"Vice Versa II: Horrible Mutant Daughter of Vice Versa" (0/*11*) by Dianne la Mercenaire ************************************************************ This is part "0"...the Intro. Essential, because, as anyone who's read my stuff will tell you, I babble on incessantly before I get down to business. This way, all the babble is in one nice convenient piece you can 'delete'. This is over 2500 lines of story and *11* parts long (as opposed to VV1, which was only 3 parts!) I don't want to flood anyone's mailbox, but I'm leaving town for three weeks come Thursday (don't worry about the last eps, I'll be with *lots* of Listers ;-) so I will have to put them out within about a 24-hour period. My apologies for any inconvenience. (And feel free to send comments ... my mailbox is pretty big and I may get the chance to check it from time to time...) Dianne -------------------------------------------------- *Disclaimer recap from VV1* (which you don't _have_ to have read, but _I_ think it's funny... and if you missed it, and if you ask nicely-- and quickly!-- I'll send you a copy ;-) [1-- if you haven't been in (or read) at least one war... you're probably done for. If you're not familiar with the lists-- then this will make absolutely no sense and bore you to tears, I promise.] [2-- Any coincidence to real listmembers, living (or undead) is entirely likely, but there are no absolute 1-to-1 parallels... although some may come pretty close. (And no, I'm not telling.) [3-- WARNING: This piece may involve any or all of the following: spoofs, puns, satire, randomly fabricated technobabble, and/or famous faction members used for gratuitous symbolism... if you're feeling humor-impaired today, get lost. [4-- I suppose it contains spoilers for many, if not all, of the FKFIC-L Wars...if there actually _is_ such a thing...] *New Disclaimers* -- I generally act as though only the fourth and fifth wars happened. What can I say? Those are the ones I was around for. Others would require research. I hate research. Deal. -- It may seem that the members of the RL lists reference _my_ war posts more often than those of others. Don't worry, it's just your imagination. *Thank Yous* to: -- Jamie, Christina K, and everyone else who made my life a living *hell* until I gave them a sequel -- John Ewan, the RatPacker, who Screedized on-demand for me ;-) -- Christina K., who scanned through disks of war stuff for me at the last minute when I couldn't remember titles and was starting to freak [*not a pretty sight!*] -- Maureen the Mad, who has graciously refrained from killing me while I use her over and over as the fall-gal in most of my fic . Just remember, dearest, that quote about "attack being a form of affection." (And, as promised, I *did not* make you a hooker this time! ;-) -- Everyone whose posts I imitated, mocked, spoofed, lampooned, and even stole outright in order to twist them about in my own sick little way (and if I ripped off one of *Nigel's* posts, you _know_ I have no shame ;-) -- And mostly to the lists themselves, without which I would actually have to be dealing with Real Life right now.... <*Quell horror!*> Now, without further ado... from the home office in Pasadena, CA... ...the uncensored, unabashed, never-beta-read or tested in any way... ************************************************************** Dianne Dianne la Mercenaire... -*- -*-"We must be powerful, beautiful, and without regret."-*- "Vice Versa II: Horrible Mutant Daughter of Vice Versa" (1/11) by Dianne la Mercenaire ****************************************************** ********************************************************* ************************************************************ ------------ Information from the mail header ------------- Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Grace Balthazar Organization: Coroner's Office, City of Toronto Subject: I'm gone...but I'll be back! ----------------------------------------------------------- I'm sorry, I have to take off for a while. Recertification exams start Friday and I'm going no-mail until they're over. I love you all, so I'll definately be back! I'd really appreciate it if someone could send me any vital info that gets posted to the list during my absence (y'know, if we save the show, if we find out who the mysterious wanna-be buyer was, yadda yadda yadda...). So if anyone wants to get in touch with me, personal e-mail will be the only way... Grace -=feel the call of the Life...=- *Ferret*X-Phile*ISOLC*Frog*Mother of the Mad-Hatters* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CAN-- Coroner's Assistant Network Coroner's Office, City of Toronto -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------- Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Alma Subject: Re: help for a friend ----------------------------------------------------------- No, her name is not really "Jaye" it's Jean something , I can't remember. See War 1. -- Alma Forever Froggie alma@raven.com ------------------------------------------------------- \0/ \0 \ / \0/ "Underwear," mumbled Dawn. ) )\ ) ) "Gold Mesh G-String." /\ / \ /0\ / \ @>--'--- alma@raven.com @>--'---- |\ _,,,--,,_ ,) /,`.-'`' -, ;-;;' __^__ |,4- ) )-,_ ) /\ __^__ ( ___ )---'---''(_/--' (_/-'-----------------------( ___ ) | / | "No, you don't. You can't take my karaoke. | \ | | / | It's mine. It's too much fun, and no |___| | \ | screaming yellow peacock can take it away!" |___| |___| she challenged. -- Jennie |___| (_____)--------------------------------------------(_____) /""\_/"\ ,,, | #==#========# | "Dogpile on the morons!!!!!" \__/"\_/ `` "Ooh. Fantasy-1, Reality-zip. Eat _Little_Mermaid, Voice of Boredom!!!" SAVE REAL LIFE!!! Go To: http://members.aol.com/FuzNatLamb/SaveRealLife.html ***BECOME A REAL LIFEIE!!!*** ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Felix Twist Organization: Hothouse Aficionados of the Night Subject: Re: Magellan Awards Airing ----------------------------------------------------------- > 2. When are the Magellans airing in the eastern time > zone? My tv book only goes to Saturday night (and the > local syndie is showing GettaLife, aargh!) > I'm getting Channel 9 out of Windsor, Ont. if that helps. > Janette Does anyone know if the Magellans can be seen on satellite, and if so where? Librarian Felix -- "It, ah...needs to be fed." Felix Twist greenthumb@aol.com S.O.S Real Life has been CANCELED to help Save Our Show check out: http://members.aol.com/FuzNatLamb/SaveRealLife.html ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Felix Twist Subject: Abby in flashback? ----------------------------------------------------------- >From a friend downtown, who asked if I knew Abby was supposed to be in a flashback in the fifth war. This was her reply after I asked if she was sure. Anyone know anything about this? >I'm only going by hearsay, I've seen the flashback precisely once and didn't >recognize her, but I wasn't paying that much attention. >It's got a presumably Native-American woman sitting in a hut of some kind >at the end of "To the Sticking Point" pulling mazinita splinters out of someone's... >um... "fundament" with a decided amount of glee. As I said, I've seen the flashback >once, and the woman did not look like Abby to me, but I've been told it's her. >if it's not, don't yell at me! :) >Grace, who of course is now watching for the ad, and can't find it...< Ok, this is Librarian Felix again. It's not that I can't imagine Abby in a flashback(she did several in the fourth war, after all), it's just that I can't imagine that no one noticed this at the time. Librarian Felix -- "It, ah...needs to be fed." Felix Twist greenthumb@aol.com ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Natalie Lambert Subject: Re: GettaLife: Off-topic posts? Hmmm... ----------------------------------------------------------- ...And I have watched this thread as it has progressed; and every time I think it's going completely off-topic, WHAM! Somebody comes along and relates it back to RL... Keep in mind, y'all, that this is the Real Life mailing list: the topic here is RL, not librarians in general, not other librarian shows, not librarian gaming. There are other lists for those. So, basically, if you wanna talk about how awful it is that this GettaLife show is a second-rate rip-off of RL, that's fine. But if you wanna dissect the general bad-ness of GettaLife all by itself, it's got to happen elsewhere. Same thing with the whole librarian-clan bit. Once it goes past the discussion of what-clans-would-be-appropriate for RL characters, it's off-topic. Just a clarification for those new to the list, and a reminder for the rest of us. No big deal. I mean, things are okay now, but we just keep skirting the edge of off-topic-ness... S'okay? S'alright. -- KEEP THE FAITH! -- Nat L. SRL WebGoddess -- Asst. Listowner, REALLIFE-L/RLFIC-L/RLSPOILR Fuzzie-Lackey -- Dissecting Mad-Hatter! http://members.aol.com/FuzNatLamb/SaveRealLife.html "That...will be e-mail."--The Webgoddess,*Stranger Than Reality* ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: "Lucius Crux Avunculus" Subject: Re: GettaLife ----------------------------------------------------------- > Nick could be striving to be an Abashed no catalog and thus, second class denizen of the stacks> > ...or maybe a Disorderly, given to > extreme amounts of angst and blackouts from the paste > fumes. I've been told that for some reason, the Disorderly and Abashed will not be part of the show's Stacks. Can anyone verify/deny this rumor? Of course, I have to admit that I watch Real Life partly because of the differences between it and Grey Dog's system. Not only that, it's pretty good (and often exceptional) librarian television, and excellent television is rare with any subject matter. I believe it was Groucho Marx who said, "Television is called a medium because it is neither rare nor well done." But character interaction the like of which I've seen on this show is a welcome respite from the drivel we usually see. Lucien LaCroix The Raven rosebud@freenet.toronto.net.ca "Go, baby, go!" --Sandra, "Let's Get Naked!" ************************************************************** [continued...] Dianne Dianne la Mercenaire... -*- -*-"We must be powerful, beautiful, and without regret."-*- "Vice Versa II: Horrible Mutant Daughter of Vice Versa" (2/11) by Dianne la Mercenaire ************************************************************ ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Death, Where Is Thy Sting... Subject: I'm baaack!/Ribena/etc. ----------------------------------------------------------- I'm baaack!: Well I'm back from Roadtrip '96! Had lots of fun meeting folks, Lurker Inca and all. Someone is in possession of the quote list, which, if do say so myself, was pretty hilarious. ;) Ribena: I was wondering about the free-drying of ribena thing. Be rather like rock-candy, wouldn't it? Bleh. Besides, I don't think ol' Maureen needs to preserve much ribena at Merc Central, considering that she probably has plenty of willing and unwilling donors alike. ;) Etc.: Regarding the discussion of the final war, I think we should not spend much time thinking about it until it actually happens. The rumors are upsetting to us all but there's really no point in getting ourselves depressed right now, right? TPTB would probably rather enjoy the notion of us angsting away, so let's not give them that particular pleasure, ok? Good to be back! Baneful Cricket Bridget "Tv shows, like vampires, have a way of coming back from the grave." ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Felix Twist Subject: Several ----------------------------------------------------------- The first time we saw red eyes was Susan's rescue at the end of War 3. The redness was added in postproduction, because it seemed like a good idea to the special effects guy. He later explained it in a Lifeie News as indicating that Susan was *really* furious this time. I've always supposed that the variation in the next wars had to do with how angry the librarian was. For the new member who asked, Laurie's voice-over begins, "He was cataloged..." There has never been any doubt about that. Librarian Felix -- "It, ah...needs to be fed." Felix Twist greenthumb@aol.com ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Bourbon Subject: Re: RLLIFE-L Digest - 26 Feb 1996 to 27 Feb 1996 - Special issue ----------------------------------------------------------- Hey does anybody know when GettaLife is gonna begin airing???? and on what channel? thaks, bourbon bourbon@freenet.toronto.net.ca ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Janette DuCharme Subject: Future of the show ----------------------------------------------------------- Hi, I know that I have been uncharacteristically quiet as of late,but I think like many others that I just needed time to regroup.] When I first saw the post about "will you stay" I was truly hurt. I couldn't imagine after all we had been through that anyone would just up and leave if the show was in fact temporarily canceled (I have not given up hope!) We have bonded together here and performed near miracles and I couldn't understand why anyone would want to leave. It was gratifying to see so many of you say "no way" and I realized that these posts were in fact a good thing and a moral booster. On the subject of "revenge", I would like to think that these people have better things to do than sit around and want to get revenge on us. And revenge for what? I don't think that NoBrain gets that much say in the show that they dictate the script,but I could be wrong. As far as I know, they have nothing but good things to say about everyone. So in one upset moment they asked us not to call NoBrain's office. Let us not forget that this show,this industry is some people's careers,their lives,not their entertainment,like it is to us. In light of Lu's post, I don't want to get into spoilers, but no matter what the rest of the war is to bring us,as a Librarian, I'm not going to go "Froggy" and start angsting over it! (thats a sly,evil librarian grin!) This is TV and they can do just about anything,look what they did with Steff in the past. The point I'm trying to make is that if they are intending to have sequels or mini-wars,then they will find a way to undo anything they have done. We have (most of us) learned to accept "PartlyK" and many of us were thrilled to accept "Apache" and "John E." even seems to have grown on us. I'm not giving up hope. I wasn't here for the first campaign,but I know that it took over a year to bring the show back. I was a viewer from Day One, yet I never knew about the last campaign, we have to find the people like me who are out there now,the ones that don't know that RL is possibly being canceled and get them to take action too. We have to be proud of all we have done and all that we have learned. We made TPTB stand up and take notice of us, more than notice,we made the people at NoBrain downright hate us! We were more than an mere annoyance,we were downright threatening and we did it with style and grace. Janette class@raven.com *Lackey in Mourning* "He's so dense he makes gold seem bouyant." ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: "Urse" Subject: help, missed Thurs ep. ----------------------------------------------------------- Help, I forgot to tape Thurs. night's episode. I'm pretty sure it was a rerun, but I'd like to know which one (that way, if it isn't I can beg for someone to copy it for me.) I'll stay subscribed to this list for 1 day, but private e-mail would be great. Thanks in advance, Urse ursula@freenet.toronto.net.ca ursula@saloon.freenet.toronto.net.ca ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Javier Vachon Subject: ABOUT APACHE AND OTHERS ----------------------------------------------------------- Hello all, Yes, this is my first posting, finally got up the nerve. All I can say is, wow. This is absolutly amazing. I though I was alone in my adoration of this most amazing of television experiences, and here there are so many of us. I've been a diehard fan since it's inception. It has been a great experience. Okay enough gushing for now. I'm going to be a pest and also put in a request that some one send me the "No one sucks like Apache" song, if possible. The four teaser lines left me in convulsions. As for the Gilligan. AAARRRRRGGGGGG! It won't go away. I unfortunantly missed a few crucial episodes this past war due to the curses of frequent relocation. You'd think that a city like New Orleans would at least have the decency to air my dear scottie on a regular basis. Anywho, I'm going to stop for now. Don't want to overdo it on the first night. To all the dark ones on the system, Ciao. Javier Vachon | "Do you have a life?" "Why is that jvaldez@freenet.toronto | such a popular question? Shut up." ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Inca Subject: Re: RL for Kids ----------------------------------------------------------- My question is "what or who are froggies". I see that a lot on this listserve. ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Inca Subject: Save the Lifers? ----------------------------------------------------------- Hello! I am very new to this list and already I am concerned. I have been watching RL on and off for the last many years when able. (Due to frequent moves it was not always possible to watch.) I was very upset to find out the show is being killed by TPTB. That is sooo wrong. So, I am now on a quest to do my part to show support for this wonderfully entertaining program. I don't have access to web pages or newsgroups- I have e-mail only. If someone would be so kind as to tell me how and if I can help, I would greatly appreciate it. And I was just getting used to seeing it again :( I just love that radio show Christina has. Anyway, thanks in advance for everyone's help! Inca -- Inca inca@paradise.org ************************************************************** [continued...] Dianne Dianne la Mercenaire... -*- -*-"We must be powerful, beautiful, and without regret."-*- "Vice Versa II: Horrible Mutant Daughter of Vice Versa" (3/11) by Dianne la Mercenaire ************************************************************ ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Natalie Lambert Subject: Limerick Challenge ----------------------------------------------------------- (Takes a deep breath... here goes...) There once was a Cousin named Prince, Who made the great NoBrain Corp. wince, In dear RL's name, Put their postcards to shame, And their totals they won't release since! (runs quickly ;-) KEEP THE FAITH! -- Nat L. SRL WebGoddess -- Asst. Listowner, REALLIFE-L/RLFIC-L/RLSPOILR Fuzzie-Lackey -- Dissecting Mad-Hatter! http://members.aol.com/FuzNatLamb/SaveRealLife.html "That...will be e-mail."--The Webgoddess,*Stranger Than Reality* ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Donald G. Schanke Subject: Librarians/Casting ----------------------------------------------------------- Felix posted the URL for the Librarians page yesterday but it didn't work when I tried it. Could someone email me the correct URL? Also, I posed the following question to Janette last night, and we had a devil of a time doing it. You're the casting director for the new, big name, enormous budget Real Life: The Movie. NoBrain wants big names and big talent to star. Who would *you* cast? What chances would you take? (To simplify this, let's assume you cannot cast the current or past actors--I wanna see what type of ensemble this list can come up with). You can do favorites, or just big name people you think *might* fit the role but who are not necessarily favorites. As I said, Janette and I had a hard time, but here's what I came up with (a partial list): Scottie: Hayley Mills, Barbra Streisand (just because of the nose. :-) Susan: Rosie O'Donnell (same warped sense of humor! ;-) Lisa McD.: Conchata Ferrell (remember Hot-L Baltimore? She'd have to dye her hair, though) or maybe Delta Burke. Apache: Debra Winger, Holly Hunter Maureen the Mad: Gillian Anderson, or maybe Rosie O'Donnell Celeste: Jeanine Garofalo Allison P.: Lucy Peacock (She was so terrific in "Taming of the Shrew"!) You get the picture. Don -- Donald G. Schanke * Lurker *** Game of squirrel, anyone? *** Real Life has been *cancelled*! For more info on how to save it, check out http://members.aol.com/FuzNatLamb/SaveRealLife.html ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Aristotle Subject: (Fwd) Re: Whither SOS-RL? (long) ----------------------------------------------------------- On 1 Mar 96 at 1:57, Larry Merlin wrote: > Lost the addresses for NoBrain? -- Aristotle > has them all! Remember if NoBrain wants > to they have the > power to decide how the show will end -- or not end... > I also have a very complete list of local stations (thanks to Larry!) which includes listings that haven't made the web page yet (last I checked.) So, if you need those addresses, they are available from me too! Also, I still have a list of sponsors for which I haven't had a chance to get addresses. If people are still interested, I'll have some time this weekend. Let me know if this is worthwhile! Aristotle Lackey/Froggie/WCITSIYWS (nemo@remailer.net, alias@prodigy.com) Reference Librarian, SRL Campaign/Almighty Address God Real Life has been cancelled. To help, email me and/or visit: http://members.aol.com/FuzNatLamb/SaveRealLife.html ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Donald G. Schanke Subject: Re: Limerick Challenge ----------------------------------------------------------- Nat wrote: > There once was a Cousin named Prince, > O.k, o.k., my turn... (Oh man... ) There once was a *Fuzzie* named Randall (Way too much for one faction to handle! ;-) With too much to do, (And a brand new tattoo!) To her page no one still holds a candle! I may never live this down... -- Donald G. Schanke * Lurker *** Game of squirrel, anyone? *** Real Life has been *cancelled*! For more info on how to save it, check out http://members.aol.com/FuzNatLamb/SaveRealLife.html ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Miklos Subject: MADDOG Love Boat of Doom ----------------------------------------------------------- Hi Guys, Could some kind soul who's already taping Maddog's Love Boat of Doom eps be willing to make copies for me? I looked in my tv guide but it appears my area isn't carrying it. I'd of course be willing to cover tape and postage costs.:-) Please reply off list.Thanks. Miklos miki@raven.com *Unaffiliated* "I hope you'll pardon us if we continue to crusade." :-) -- Jaye ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: "Lucius Crux Avunculus" Subject: Re: Top scenes ----------------------------------------------------------- Here I go... Let's see if I can get some of them right: > 1) The one where Dianne the Merc bails Cousin Deb out > of the TO lockup. Double or Nothing > 2) The one where the Happy Souvlaki Deli goes *boom*. Redecorating the Souvlaki > 3) The one where Jill & Jill appreciate a certain derriere. Object of Desire > 4) The one where the NatPack does Phantom of the Opera. ??? > 5) The one where Sandra and LaCroix play strip poker. Let's Get Naked > 6) The one with the facepaint! > 7) The one where the Natpackers' LSD dose reaches > critical mass. > 8) The one where Karaoke Night is born. > 9) The one with the "KITTIES!" > 10) The one with the LEIDERHOSEN. > 11) The one from the "You know, you've gotta run out > of water sometime . . . ." .wav file. > 12) The one with Lisa McD., an undead lobster, and a > pack of spirit wolves.... > > >Capt. Reese >Boozin' Ferret (cuz' *someone* still has to!) >"Imagine... if you will... that there's flight involved." Lucien LaCroix, The Raven rosebud@freenet.toronto.net.ca "They were drawn by the power of his butt. was a power he had never considered." ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Monica Subject: Re: Cataloging Someone ----------------------------------------------------------- That's all very well and good, but in my particular area TPTB have changed the day & time for airing the show 5 times in the last 6 weeks and I don't think it's on anywhere anymore. Anyone out there in Virginia even get to watch it these days?? ************************************************************** [continued...] Dianne Dianne la Mercenaire... -*- -*-"We must be powerful, beautiful, and without regret."-*- "Vice Versa II: Horrible Mutant Daughter of Vice Versa" (4/11) by Dianne la Mercenaire ************************************************************ ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Nick Knight Subject: Re: RL Movie Casting ----------------------------------------------------------- Okay, it just *has* to be done, you know: A MUPPET REAL LIFE: Scottie: Kermit (of course!) Lisa McD.: Gonzo Pam: Fozzie Bear Sharon: Janice (like, way cool, ya know?) Susan: Miss Piggy Jaye: Doctor Teeth (and the Electric Mayhem would be ALOs) Of course, that's if they go back to 1st war. If they film from the current war: PartlyK: you know, I'm kinda stumped here; there AREN'T a lot of girl Muppets. How about Link Hogthrob in a dress? Although actually Janice might be good Apache: Sweetums (big and hairy) John E.: Ratso Rizzo (naturally!) Diane E.: the Swedish Chef and of course, Miss Piggy will have to play Jennie in this scenario because it's in her contract that she has a starring role in ALL Muppet features. And songs! There have to be at least a couple of production numbers featuring rats and chickens, singing silly upbeat ditties written for preference by Paul Williams. And let's all just hope it wasn't Henson Productions that was attempting to buy rights to the series!!! --Nick nkight@homicide.tpd.gov.ca "I couldn't help it. I can resist anything except tempation." -- Oscar Wilde ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Natalie Lambert Subject: Re: Magellan Three-Star Award ----------------------------------------------------------- On Mar 04, 1996 11:18:15, '"Jasmine" ' wrote: >Just to let any of you who did not already know, I won >the Magellan >Three-Star Award for best performance for my Forever >Knight Web Page >I can't express how pleased I am. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (drum roll) And the award for the Most Major Understatement Of The Year goes to... Congratulations. This is the best news we've had in many months..... -- KEEP THE FAITH! -- Nat L. SRL WebGoddess -- Asst. Listowner, REALLIFE-L/RLFIC-L/RLSPOILR Fuzzie-Lackey -- The Illustrated Mad-Hatter! http://members.aol.com/FuzNatLamb/SaveRealLife.html "That...will be e-mail."--The Webgoddess,*Stranger Than Reality* ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Alma Subject: Re: isolc / eternal champion lists? ----------------------------------------------------------- On Mar 5, 10:55pm, Bourbon wrote: > Subject: isolc / eternal champion lists? > Okay, kind of off topic for this list (sorry!) But I don't > know where else to ask. Does anyone know if there are > mailing lists out there somewhere for "ISOLC" or "Eternal > Champion"? Please email me if you know... Please email me also...Thanks!! -- Alma Forever Froggie alma@raven.com ------------------------------------------------------- \0/ \0 \ / \0/ "Underwear," mumbled Dawn. ) )\ ) ) "Gold Mesh G-String." /\ / \ /0\ / \ @>--'--- alma@raven.com @>--'---- |\ _,,,--,,_ ,) /,`.-'`' -, ;-;;' __^__ |,4- ) )-,_ ) /\ __^__ ( ___ )---'---''(_/--' (_/-'-----------------------( ___ ) | / | "No, you don't. You can't take my karaoke. | \ | | / | It's mine. It's too much fun, and no |___| | \ | screaming yellow peacock can take it away!" |___| |___| she challenged. -- Jennie |___| (_____)--------------------------------------------(_____) /""\_/"\ ,,, | #==#========# | "Dogpile on the morons!!!!!" \__/"\_/ `` "Ooh. Fantasy-1, Reality-zip. Eat _Little_Mermaid, Voice of Boredom!!!" SAVE REAL LIFE!!! Go To: http://members.aol.com/FuzNatLamb/SaveRealLife.html ***BECOME A REAL LIFEIE!!!*** ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: "Lucius Crux Avunculus" Subject: More Sundry Matters ----------------------------------------------------------- Gang: I am going to amputate my itchy delete finger unless it learns to behave. I am issuing a plea for two -- make that three -- things. 1. The URL for the picture of Spike, the much-abused goldfish. 2. Would the author of the story "Alternate Reality" on the RLFIC-L list please contact me at my private address? 3. Someone mentioned that they had filled up two tapes with Mercs-at-CERK stuff. Would *that* person please contact me? Thanks. ObRL: I've heard some plans about a card game, similar to the Eternal Champion one, but for RL. Anyone have any insight on this? Okay, so it's not *really* RL-related. Sue me. Lucien LaCroix The Raven rosebud@freenet.toronto.net.ca "They were drawn by the power of his butt. was a power he had never considered." ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Nick Knight Subject: Re: RLLIFE-L Digest - 5 Mar 1996 to 5 Mar 1996 - Special issue ----------------------------------------------------------- email me too about the isolc list@@@@@!! nick k. "I couldn't help it. I can resist anything except tempation." -- Oscar Wilde ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: "Urse" Subject: Re: Jamie on "In Search of LaCroix" ----------------------------------------------------------- I was watching a movie last night called IN SEARCH OF LACROIX and guesss who pops up. JAMIE! She has a somewhat large part in the movi. INteresting plot to the story. Urse ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show - Spoiler Topic List Poster: Janette DuCharme Subject: Any news on RL CD? ----------------------------------------------------------- Well, its March 5th, and I think the RL CD was supposed to be available March 1st. Has anyone had the chance to call and attempt to order it? Janette class@raven.com *Lackey in Mourning* "He's so dense he makes gold seem bouyant." ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Nick Knight Subject: Re: NatPack Phantom of the Opera Scene? ----------------------------------------------------------- That scene is from fifth war's "Too Many Notes for My Taste". Nick Knight -- NickK@aol.com "I couldn't help it. I can resist anything except tempation." -- Oscar Wilde ************************************************************** [continued...] Dianne Dianne la Mercenaire... -*- -*-"We must be powerful, beautiful, and without regret."-*- "Vice Versa II: Horrible Mutant Daughter of Vice Versa" (5/11) by Dianne la Mercenaire ************************************************************ ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Amanda Subject: Wanted: RL CD & Torontonians ----------------------------------------------------------- I noticed in the last recent ep of RL that the final credits plug Crescendo records' RL CD. Does that mean it is finally available? I've been off the list for a while, so I don't know if its been discussed. Also I'm planning to be in Toronto in middle March. I'm going on my Spring Break with a friend and we would like to know where to go and where not to go. I won't take up any more bandwidth, so if you are interested in helping my addy is at the bottom. -- Librarian Amanda -- the Ninja Babe with an attitude Always something new to amaze and disgust. cohen@ELYSIUM.ORG "In my office, Detective. Now!" Me, from "Revenge of the Underused Captains" ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Inca Subject: Re: Torrey loop ----------------------------------------------------------- On Mon, 5 Mar 1996, JAVIER VACHON wrote: > -- [ From: Vachon * EMC.Ver #2.10P ] -- > > For the life of me I can't seem to remember who was putting > together the Torrey loop. Could that person please contact me.> > Thank you> > Javier Vachon> I'm posting to the list in case anyone else wants to know. It's me (Vachon, hou could you doubt it for a moment.. ). I did a test post tonight, so if anyone wrote me about getting on the loop and hasn't gotten the post, please e-me at inca@paradise.org . Inca ><><><><><><><>< "A FIGHT. A FIGHT TO THE DEATH." "Oh no," moaned Lana. "I thought we were over that." --War5 ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: "Urse" Subject: Thanks for fic help ----------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to everyone who offered to send me Reality and Working for a Living. I now have both stories. Thanks again to all of you kind folk... Urse ursula@freenet.toronto.net.ca "We need a moose." -- Catherine Boone ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Bourbon Subject: Help! Need Canadian Geography Lesson! ----------------------------------------------------------- To All Canadians: I am intending to write a "Real Life"/"Nightbreed" crossover, and I need some geographical help. Supposedly, the cemetery of Midian (home of the Nightbreed) is near a town called Dwyer. Near the town of Dwyer is another town, Shere Neck. Do either of these towns exist? If so, how far are they from Toronto? I apologize for the waste of bandwidth, and herewith return you to your normal list madness. bourbon bourbon@freenet.toronto.net.ca ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Janette DuCharme Subject: Best war? ----------------------------------------------------------- I came in during the 2nd war. I have to say that I have found much to love in all 5 wars. Scottie was sexier looking first war (IMO) and I liked 1st wars clothing better. But the effect (esp the explosions) were really cheesy 1st war and tons better 2nd war. There were great stories in all wars and a few groaners. Second war had better Lisa scenes and lines. 3rd war had better Susan scenes and lines (and I'm a sucker for all those kidnap scenes). I think Sharon got lost (and hasn't really been found) in most of the 5th war. Then again, 4th war had flashbacks and multiple timelines. Both fourth and fifth had dream sequences. I think 4th war has gotten closer to the naughty, librarian Scottie (like 1st war) than 2nd war did. But fifth war lacked any sign of real struggle for her. I have found myself mostly disinterested in rewatching war five's episodes and in fact, have only watched all showings of a couple. I don't care for PartlyK. She does nothing for the main plot. I *miss* Christine Hawkins. Even in the worse Pam episodes, her presence was part of RL and Scottie. PartlyK is a non-entity in Scottie's life and Scottie's life is what RL is supposed to be about. Her life and how those around her affect it. PartlyK just doesn't affect it. I won't even _bring up_ what happened to the club when the Cousins took over. All-in-all, I put first and fourth war as equals and think 5th war has lost a lot. Janette class@raven.com *Lackey in Mourning* "He's so dense he makes gold seem bouyant." ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: "Dorian the Archivist" Subject: LISTstuff: If you've been set to nomail, here's why... ----------------------------------------------------------- Let me try to explain the "no-mail" thing one more time: If you find that you have been set to nomail for no apparent reason, it's because your mail has been BOUNCING. Which means that if one of the listowners/list maintainers (probably Nat)hadn't set you to nomail, you wouldn't have been getting list mail anyway. So: if you wake up one day to find a suspicious lack of e-mail in your box, send a query to the listserv. The listserv will send you back a neat little notice telling you if you're subscribed and if you've been set to nomail. Don't send a message to the list-- this can and will get you NOMAILED--_with extreme prejudice_. Clear? Dorian Your favorite Listowner... ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show - Spoiler Topic List Poster: Donald G. Schanke Subject: Schedule request ----------------------------------------------------------- Could someone please send me or re-post the syndication schedule for the rest of the war? I seem to have mis-placed my copy. Thanks. -- Donald G. Schanke * Lurker *** Game of squirrel, anyone? *** Real Life has been *cancelled*! For more info on how to save it, check out http://members.aol.com/FuzNatLamb/SaveRealLife.html ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Miklos Subject: Re: Love Boat of Doom question ----------------------------------------------------------- Does anyone know which station--cable or not--that Love Boat of Doom is on?? Thanks! Miklos miki@raven.com *Unaffiliated* "I hope you'll pardon us if we continue to crusade." :-) -- Jaye ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Donald G. Schanke Subject: War Discoveries ----------------------------------------------------------- I came in on REAL LIFE before it began. I actually taped A CALL TO ARMS and kept it, the first time it was aired. Oh, no big deal? It was one of the very first shows I taped and kept. I watched it over and over, and wished they'd make a series about it. When they did, I was suspicious at first. Who was this Jamie person? What were the Mercenaries? Susan was very reassuring---it made me feel that I DID have the right show. But the hundreds of "How I got to Toronto" scenes almost made me sorry it'd been picked up. And then they aired HANGING ON, and I became an addict. Then the local CBS-TV affiliate stopped showing RL after 11 episodes. A nice friend got me copies of the rest of war 1, then I came in a couple eps into War 5, not having been warned that it was starting again...and had to play catch up. All of this may explain my Lurkerdom. I've had such a sporadic viewing history, and the characters have changed so much from time to time, that I simply like all of them, root for them, and can't pick a side. -- Donald G. Schanke * Lurker *** Game of squirrel, anyone? *** Real Life has been *cancelled*! For more info on how to save it, check out http://members.aol.com/FuzNatLamb/SaveRealLife.html ************************************************************** [continued...] Dianne Dianne la Mercenaire... -*- -*-"We must be powerful, beautiful, and without regret."-*- "Vice Versa II: Horrible Mutant Daughter of Vice Versa" (6/11) by Dianne la Mercenaire ************************************************************ ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Scorpions Subject: Which war do you like best? ----------------------------------------------------------- Which war do I like best? To be entirely honest, I like all five but for very different reasons. I tend to prefer War 2 & War 4 episodes, though. Second war had -wonderful- character interactions, a lighter tone, and usually very good subplots. The down side was that that major bog-down and week hiatus was generally dreadful. (But then, the fourth war had massive server- delay problems too.) Fourth war brought generally better "A" level plots, but the flashbacks weren't always as much fun; the Scottie-Cousin relationship got pushed into the background somewhat; and an edgier, tenser Scottie with more "grey." (That last is not a good thing, IMHO!) Not that all the episodes were great. For me, the fifth war has been a matter of extremes -- either really good or -really- bad episodes, and relatively few "just okay" eps. When did I start watching -- well, I saw the first pilot ("A Call to Arms"). And hated it. (My sister and I had a great time tearing it apart while watching...) I've been watching "Real Life" since the first episode of the second war-- prompted purely by curiousity since I'd never heard of resurrecting a failed pilot. And got immediately hooked on the second incarnation. (Which puts at least one more bit of anecdotal evidence against the idea that you tend to like best the war you saw first... ) Joe Stonetree stonetree@homicide.tpd.gov.ca Pronunciation-Survey Taker: how do you say "RLLIFE-L"? Or do you? ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Tracy Vetter Subject: Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------- Greetings to all you Real Life fans... I am a new fan of Real Life, discovering it for the first time this year when NOBRAIN put on the 5th war. I was hooked. Never having been a fan of librarians before, I was lured into their romance first by "Interview with a Librarian", the movie. Then on Halloween, a friend brough the Anime movie "The Librarian Hunter D". Awesome flick! I then watched Bram Stoker's "Marion".....OK, by this point, librarians are in my cards (catalog pun intended). So when I heard of Real Life, I had to check it out... and WOW. I was impressed! I started recording them so I could watch them again, I started looking for the pilot episode (since I didn't realize this was the 4th war and not the first, and that was when I discovered the web sites, and that there were 2 other war's I missed! Oh if I could see them all! More about me... I am 25, single, and live in Toronto. I work as a homicide detective, and somehow my partner and I always seem to get all the whacko cases. Nothing librarian-like at all. :( In my free time, I watch more TV than I should. Among my favorite shows are of course Real Life, Lois & Clark, Highlander, Babylon 5, Star Trek: Voyager, Hercules, Batman: The Animated Series, and the Anime series Sailor Moon (though I am a little old to be watching that one). I also enjoy skiing, parties with good friends, and hanging around with my new friend Javier. He plays the guitar, is a _lot_ older than he looks, and-- well-- let's just say he's a really *interesting* kind of guy. :-) That's about it! -Tracy aka Button --------------------------------------------- tvetter@homicide.tpd.gov.ca or Button@aol.com "Look!" Valerie exclaimed. "WHUMP! It says WHUMP!" ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Nick Knight Subject: Re: Missing Fiction Posts ----------------------------------------------------------- On Fri, 8 Mar 1996, Bourbon wrote: > AOL has been extremely hungry lately, and ate my mail. Would some nice, > kind soul please send me all the fiction posts from the 6, and the 7th? > Thanks in advance. I sent him these... Nick "I couldn't help it. I can resist anything except tempation." -- Oscar Wilde ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Grace Balthazar Subject: Mercs-at-CERK (was Sc/Cuz Relationship) ----------------------------------------------------------- > Now if Christina would just do something USEFUL with her > powers of persuasion through the radio... ;D -- Capt.JR Come to think of it -- and forgive me if it's been thought; I've been off-list a while -- but Christina, in the world of RL, must have... *fans*! Unless she's broadcasting just to the other characters I assume that the Mercs-at-CERK have a regular audience... maybe even a little listserve group for discussing those words of wicked wisdom... Christina might read digests of it as Dianne does on rlspoilr... and, considering Lucien's delightful "Reality," and Aristotle's plug for _Number of the Beast_, our relation to those fans would be...? :) Staggers the imagination (well, mine at least, but then, it's Friday and I've used up my brain-cell allotment for the week...)! Grace -=feel the call of the Life...=- *Ferret*X-Phile*ISOLC*Frog*Mother of the Mad-Hatters* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CAN-- Coroner's Assistant Network Coroner's Office, City of Toronto -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ********************************************************* Sender: Real Life TV show stories Poster: "Urse" Subject: Faction names To: Multiple recipients of list RLFIC-L Status: RO How about a leap of Froggies? A Stack of Librarians? Feel free to ignore this. ___ Urse ursula@freenet.toronto.net.ca "We need a moose." -- Catherine Boone ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Tracy Vetter Subject: Re: Characters and Computers ----------------------------------------------------------- Amanda wrote: > Now, there was a lovely piece called "Reality," written, I > think, by Luke Cruz LeCroy (I just know I have the wrong "luke") Hey, could someone send me a copy of that? OBRL: YKYBWTMRLW... You spend the night dreaming about RL... Then when you wake up, you know you've dreamt of RL, and that the dreams could give you real good fanfic ideas, but you couldn't remember any of the friggin' dreams!!! ARRGHHH!!! There, I feel better now. Tracy - The Mad-Hatter ------------------------------------ tvetter@homicide.tpd.gov.ca or Button@aol.com "Look!" Valerie exclaimed. "WHUMP! It says WHUMP!" ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Javier Vachon Subject: That Other Show ----------------------------------------------------------- Okay. I've been trying to come up with a way that I can nonviolently do my part to make sure RL reigns supreme over the corpse of GettaLife. And while I'd rather have a billion dollars to produce any kind of TV show I want, I don't. Like most everyone else, I am really peeved that while MY favorite librarians are going into "hiatus", these new silicone-injected (does this constitute a flame? Woopsie!) librarians are getting all this great press. Jav. Javier Vachon | "Do you have a life?" "Why is that jvaldez@freenet.toronto | such a popular question? Shut up." ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Death, Where Is Thy Sting... Subject: Re: librarians for real or not ----------------------------------------------------------- Janette DuCharme earned my gratitude by saying: >Could anyone interested in this argument about whether or not >Cricket Bridget is a librarian take it to private e-mail with >her. It doesn't have anything to do with Real Life and the >number of posts concerning this are getting a little out-of-hand. I was about to post a message like this before Janette got to it. Seriously, please just take it to private. This isn't my favorite subject for public mail, and I only mentioned it as part of the "are librarians real or not?" debate. Before I posted it, only a few people knew about my librarianhood, condition, delusion, whatever *you* call it. I'd really rather not tell 1000+ people every single detail of my educational records, psychological state, home life, background, interests, papercuts, and beliefs. If anyone wishes to discuss it further, I am PLEASED to do so in private. I'm glad others show some interest in it. However, I will not be the subject of ridicule or questions I consider too prying, nor will I agree to catalog anyone's stacks, "teach anyone the Dewey Decimal system" (I'm not even sure it's possible), or anything I consider degrading. Questions, and reasonable ones, only, please. Thank you. Thanks again to janette. Baneful Cricket Bridget "Tv shows, like vampires, have a way of coming back from the grave." ************************************************************** [continued...] Dianne Dianne la Mercenaire... -*- -*-"We must be powerful, beautiful, and without regret."-*- "Vice Versa II: Horrible Mutant Daughter of Vice Versa" (7/11) by Dianne la Mercenaire ************************************************************ ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Screed Subject: No RL Content. PSU? ----------------------------------------------------------- -- [ From: Screed * EMC.Ver #2.10P ] -- Yo droogs! Appypolly loggy to stama this veshch me shaika like this, but I'm itty Staja Skolliwoll in March. you interessovat inna gruppa govoreet? Chodessny smot RL, viddy me bezoomy banda! ;) Skazat slovo email me at... Screed ratboy@freenet.toronto.nat.ca "Boy, was *I* on drugs when I said: 'I'll get it to you tomorrow'!!!" -- John Ewan Clockwork Orange slang website!!! http://jake.chem.unsw.edu.au/~michaels/Orange/nadsat.html ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Tracy Vetter Subject: Jenn's a better poohbah.... ----------------------------------------------------------- On Thu, Mar 28, Screed wrote [I translate]: >I feel that Jen is definitely a better poohbah than Maureen >and better comic relief. I'll stop with that one right now > before I'm incinerated by Mad-Hatters. I agree totally. Jen was a much better character as a whole than Maureen, and I believe that the actress had a lot to do with that, and that she was very comfortable in the role. She also had the ability (and the writers) to make Jen comicial with out making her a bafoon. Maureen is an intirely different character. But more importantly she was brought in at a bad time and given equally bad treatment by the writers. She's probably the character who is most universally hated, with some cause. But she is also the only character on the show the I feel has been miss used the most consistantly. And that's saying a lot considering how poorly the characters have been used in some episodes. Tracy - The Mad-Hatter tvetter@homicide.tpd.gov.ca or Button@aol.com "Being perky is revenge enough -- at six in the morning." ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Capt. Reese Subject: Re: YKYB... ----------------------------------------------------------- WHAT do all these blasted initials stand for? I've got the episode abbreviations down, more or less, but these others are confusing the h*** out of me, somebody please help!! Capt. Reese Boozin' Ferret (cuz' *someone* still has to!) "Imagine... if you will... that there's flight involved." ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Amanda Subject: YKYB... ----------------------------------------------------------- YKYBWTMRL(and reading this list)W... you're reading a book, and there's a line that says (no joke) "The Librarians must have got them." YES! We are everywhere. Brawhahahaha! -- Librarian Amanda -- the Ninja Babe with an attitude Always something new to amaze and disgust. cohen@ELYSIUM.ORG "In my office, Detective. Now!" Me, from "Revenge of the Underused Captains" ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Felix Twist Subject: Re: Win? We were supposed to w ----------------------------------------------------------- > I think a nice fat nuclear explosion > would too, considering that it simulates a star at close > range for a short time [snip] Sorry to be a nitpicker here, but I have to clear up a technical point. While I have no doubt that a nuclear bomb would destroy any librarian at or near Ground Zero through heat if not through explosive force, what is going on in a nuclear explosion is *not* what is going on inside stars. Nuclear weapons use dense elements and split their atomic nuclei -- that's nuclear fission. It's very messy and leaves lots of radioactive waste that sits around for a very long time. Stars, on the other hand, use very light elements and fuse their nuclei together -- that's nuclear fusion. It's not quite as messy as fission -- it doesn't leave radioactive waste behind (although some forms of fusion can, in the process of fusion itself, be radioactive). It's a technical point and kind of out of place here... ObRL: Do we know what happens in the RL universe if librarians don't get ribena for a long time? That is, is it possible for librarians to "starve" to death, or do they enter a coma, or are they just subject to a lot of pain until lunch comes along? Librarian Felix -- "It, ah...needs to be fed." Felix Twist greenthumb@aol.com Librarian Felix -- "It, ah...needs to be fed." Felix Twist greenthumb@aol.com ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Bourbon Subject: Another HELP!!! post:) ----------------------------------------------------------- I really hate to do this but sometime yesterday my providers mail server died, so I imagine a few people got a heck of a lot of bounced mail, yuk. Would it be possible for someone to send me the yesterdays and todays messages from rlfic-l? The digests or throw them all together in one message, it doesn't really matter, how ever its easiest. Thanks in advance. ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show - Spoiler Topic List Poster: Aristotle Subject: Re: The List and The Last ----------------------------------------------------------- On Mar 41, 1996 11:19:08, 'Javier Vachon ' wrote: >Having read this I wondered...for people who wanted to kill >a show so badly, why all this extra work and extra expense? >Why would they care? As for why TPTB would have an ulterior motive re: RL... 'Cause while they're busily insisting to us that the show didn't make money(which is the only legitimate reason they can give us for cancellation, and therefore, the only one they CAN give us) the plain fact is, they're not sure. They see us, but they don't understand us; they discount us, but in the backs of their minds is this nagging voice of doubt that whispers, "what if they're right?" They're afraid that somewhere down the line, it will be proven (as we already know) that cancelling RL was a terribly bad business move; and therefore, they are hedging their bets, so that if that eventuality does occur, they'll be able to bring it back and make a nice profit and look like the heroes of the day -- instead of having to sheepishly admit that they screwed up. That, plus concerns over how well the show will sell in syndication, would be TPTB's reason for leaving themselves a "loophole" as regards the ending. Which is the number one reason why we must continue to work on convincing them that a sixth war and/or movies are a sound financial idea; and why we still have at least a remote chance of doing so. As to why the RL people (meaning: cast, crew, staff, writers, inclusive) might go to all this secrecy over the final ep: For one thing, they KNOW that when it comes to finding out info we want to know, the CIA ain't got nuthin' on us. Maybe, just for once, they want to have the satisfaction of *surprising* us. Or perhaps the intent is to provide such a "build-up" that the final episode will draw in even the most casual viewers out of curiosity -- thereby pulling in numbers that would be a direct slap in the face to those who keep insisting that "RL doesn't get ratings". Or maybe they're worried about the possibility that we'll react so badly to whatever-it-is that they have in mind that we'll all pile into a Sherman tank and go gunning for them; and they all want to make sure that they're safely hidden when that happens. In any event, I can see their point... Aristotle Lackey/Froggie/WCITSIYWS (nemo@remailer.net, alias@prodigy.com) Reference Librarian, SRL Campaign/Almighty Address God Real Life has been cancelled. To help, email me and/or visit: http://members.aol.com/FuzNatLamb/SaveRealLife.html ************************************************************** [continued...] Dianne Dianne la Mercenaire... -*- -*-"We must be powerful, beautiful, and without regret."-*- "Vice Versa II: Horrible Mutant Daughter of Vice Versa" (8/11) by Dianne la Mercenaire ************************************************************ ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Alma Subject: Re: Weekend With Scottie!!! ----------------------------------------------------------- hI;; I got in also. Can't wait to meet all of you. -- Alma Forever Froggie alma@raven.com ------------------------------------------------------- \0/ \0 \ / \0/ "Underwear," mumbled Dawn. ) )\ ) ) "Gold Mesh G-String." /\ / \ /0\ / \ @>--'--- alma@raven.com @>--'---- |\ _,,,--,,_ ,) /,`.-'`' -, ;-;;' __^__ |,4- ) )-,_ ) /\ __^__ ( ___ )---'---''(_/--' (_/-'-----------------------( ___ ) | / | "No, you don't. You can't take my karaoke. | \ | | / | It's mine. It's too much fun, and no |___| | \ | screaming yellow peacock can take it away!" |___| |___| she challenged. -- Jennie |___| (_____)--------------------------------------------(_____) /""\_/"\ ,,, | #==#========# | "Dogpile on the morons!!!!!" \__/"\_/ `` "Ooh. Fantasy-1, Reality-zip. Eat _Little_Mermaid, Voice of Boredom!!!" SAVE REAL LIFE!!! Go To: http://members.aol.com/FuzNatLamb/SaveRealLife.html ***BECOME A REAL LIFEIE!!!*** ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Bourbon Subject: Weekend With Scottie!! ----------------------------------------------------------- Hi Alma glad your coming can't wate to see you. I'm not sure I can wate until the end of June. ----------- Bourbon ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Grace Balthazar ----------------------------------------------------------- We've been asked not to flame anybody. Could that be extended to not flaming Maureen? Grace -=feel the call of the Life...=- *Ferret*X-Phile*ISOLC*Frog*Mother of the Mad-Hatters* ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Inca Subject: Fan Clus ----------------------------------------------------------- Does anyone have the curent membership rates and address for the Diane Echelbarger Fan club? and also the Christina Kaminkar Fan Club? Thanx in advance... Inca ><><><><><><><>< "A FIGHT. A FIGHT TO THE DEATH." "Oh no," moaned Lana. "I thought we were over that." --War5 ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Javier Vachon Subject: Re: librarians are real or not? ----------------------------------------------------------- Hi, Being rather behind on my reading, I don't know if anyone is still interested in this topic or not, but my thoughts are that they are real, but perhaps just not in this dimension/world/time period. My sense of "realism" or skepticism about anything so unlikely, however, makes me amend that to an "I wish they were real" view. That's one of the reasons why my sig other occasionally looks at me like I'm nuts - "you WANT there to be ribena-sucking creatures of the dusty stacks cataloging and creating mayhem??" was his reply. Not that he dislikes the idea of various other fantasy creatures being real - he used to eat, breathe and sleep D&D before I met him - but the idea of wanting the baddies to be for real as well as the good guys kinda bothers him. Myself, I would love for the whole range of things to be for real, from unicorns, aliens and librarians to the abominable snowman and lochness monster, just because I like having things be a little more magical and exciting. As for going beyond what I want and what I think is possible...has anyone here read Andrew Greeley's book "The God Game"?? It is a very interesting book about a fellow playing a computer game in which a weird techno problem results in the creation of real people and creatures in the artificial world designed in the game. The book has an interesting take on the whole idea of parallel worlds and the whole "If I'm a dream creation of god's , who is dreaming up god?" idea. Stuff like that makes me think that our joking about how much we'd want librarians to be for real might have some interesting consequences in other dimensions. My, you can REALLY mess up your mind on this list at 5 a.m.!!! Javier Vachon | "Do you have a life?" "Why is that jvaldez@freenet.toronto | such a popular question? Shut up." ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Miklos Subject: ----------------------------------------------------------- Grace wrote: GB>We've been asked not to flame anybody. GB>Could that be extended to not flaming Maureen? I think we aren't supposed to flame real people. Maureen's not a real person, and actually neither are Scottie, Lisa, and Susan -- or any character. As far as I know, there's nothing against saying negative things about a character. But if the consensus *is* that we shouldn't flame characters, then I suggest we ban people from making any more ankle-grabbing references. ;) But then you'd have to be so careful about what you say about anyone. There are always going to be posts like "I can't believe Perri was so stupid!" or "that Abby is such a jerk!" Am I wrong? Can someone fill us in? Miklos miki@raven.com *Unaffiliated* "I hope you'll pardon us if we continue to crusade." :-) -- Jaye ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Monica Subject: Re: Vows and things ----------------------------------------------------------- On Sun, 41 Mar 1996, Nicholas B. Knight wrote: > And I gotten a spot at the Weekend With Scottie. > So barring bankruptcy (probable) or working commitments > (who the heck knows), I'm gonna be there. I know someone else already asked, but I didn't see an answer on the list. What's the Weekend with Scottie? ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show - Spoiler Topic List Poster: Donald G. Schanke Subject: Re: Wars and Rumours of Wars. ----------------------------------------------------------- At 09:05 AM 05/01/1996 PST, you wrote: >in a manner more typical of Jaye. Similar behavior during >the next war is bound to cause confusion amongst the ranks >of the Librarians and the Froggies. But think of all the fractions, Scottie and Lisa, Scottie and Jennie, Jennie and Lisa, Jennie and Susan, Scottie and Susan, Lisa and Susan, Laura and PartlyK, Lisa and PartlyK, Lisa and Pam, Scottie and Pam. The confusing thing is going to be keeping track of them all. -- Donald G. Schanke * Lurker *** Game of squirrel, anyone? *** Real Life has been *cancelled*! For more info on how to save it, check out http://members.aol.com/FuzNatLamb/SaveRealLife.html ************************************************************** [continued...] Dianne Dianne la Mercenaire... -*- -*-"We must be powerful, beautiful, and without regret."-*- "Vice Versa II: Horrible Mutant Daughter of Vice Versa" (9/11) by Dianne la Mercenaire ************************************************************ ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: barmaid-Organization or City Subject: !e> oh baneful one, oh baneful one.... ----------------------------------------------------------- e> Graphic E-mail Message. Plain text follows header. Graphic E is free. e> Visit http://www.moron.net/fu/ on the World-Wide Web for freeware kit. e> :Template=stock002.tpl e> :1thunder.mid:;:1attack.wav:0:; e> :1p1g4c1e0507401p1g4e1g0sblaze.bmp:511g4c1e0507405o4f4 e1g0sblaze.bmp e> :8e1g4c1e0507408e1g4e1g0sblaze.bmp:1e50aw48 *0,16777215:; e> :112tbl1o28'>00,12642256,The Eternal Flame e> :115pbl4u2 *012642256,12642256,Text e> :0d8vcw0u 0 ,015269887,0,Common sense is an uncommon commodity ... e> :; e> :; e> :; e> bridget you are a bad girl bridget. but i do enjoy reading your mail sooooo much Alexandra - Fighter of the sane,Defender of the truly demented ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Death, Where Is Thy Sting... Subject: !e> oh baneful one, oh baneful one.... ----------------------------------------------------------- FU>------------ Information from the mail header ------------ FU>Sender: Real Life TV show FU>Poster: barmaid-Organization or City FU>Subject: !e> oh baneful one, oh baneful one.... FU>----------------------------------------------------------- FU> FU> FU>e> Graphic E-mail Message. Plain text follows header. FU>Graphic E is free. FU>e> Visit http://www.moron.net/fu/ on the World-Wide Web for FU>freeware kit. FU>e> :Template=stock002.tpl FU>e> :1thunder.mid:;:1attack.wav:0:; FU>e> FU>:1p1g4c1e0507401p1g4e1g0sblaze.bmp:511g4c1e0507405o4f4 FU>e1g0sblaze.bmp FU>e> :8e1g4c1e0507408e1g4e1g0sblaze.bmp:1e50aw48 FU>*0,16777215:; FU>e> :112tbl1o28'>00,12642256,The Eternal Flame FU>e> :115pbl4u2 *012642256,12642256,Text FU>e> :0d8vcw0u 0 ,015269887,0,Common sense is an uncommon FU>commodity ... FU>e> :; FU>e> :; FU>e> :; FU>e> FU>bridget you are a bad girl bridget. but i do enjoy reading FU>your mail sooooo much echos> FU> FU>Alexandra - Fighter of the sane,Defender of the truly demented Hi Alexandra, I'm afraid the first part of your message came across my mailer as gibberish! Can you resend to my AOL address? bridget@aol.com Thanks! :) ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Death, Where Is Thy Sting... Subject: !e> oh baneful one, oh baneful one.... ----------------------------------------------------------- OOPS! Sorry guys. I thought I was replying to a private message. I quote the whole thing, not knowing I was replying to the list. Damn no-frills internet account! Apologies. Baneful Cricket Bridget "Tv shows, like vampires, have a way of coming back from the grave." ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: "Lucius Crux Avunculus" Subject: Re: Weekend With Scottie!!! ----------------------------------------------------------- ::> I got in also. Can't wait to meet all of you. Hearing this makes it very hard on those of us still waiting and wondering if our carefully mailed envelope got lost or if we are just one of the lucky 100 and will hear in a few days. lu Lucien LaCroix , The Raven rosebud@freenet.toronto.net.ca "They were drawn by the power of his butt. was a power he had never considered." ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Scorpions Subject: Re: Double Take ----------------------------------------------------------- As far as I know the first war was the only one that had two or more versions. The second and fourth war are the same unless the syndies play around with them. Joe Non-factional RL fan Pronunciation-Survey Taker: how do you say "RLLIFE-L"? Or do you? ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Janette DuCharme Subject: Re: Piece de Resistance - the Clamshell ----------------------------------------------------------- Okay, that must be a Canadian version. That scene is nowhere on my tape. Thanks Nick!! Janette class@raven.com *Lackey in Mourning* "He's so dense he makes gold seem bouyant." ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Divia Selina Subject: Factions ----------------------------------------------------------- I am new here but I used to watch the show quite frequently. (Although I don't know what's going on lately.) But my question about the list is about Factions. What are they? I don't quite understand. Divia ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Janette DuCharme Subject: Cut scenes ----------------------------------------------------------- Is there a comprehensive list of all the scenes cut out of the U.S. versions? Is it archived anywhere? Somebody please point me... Janette class@raven.com ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Amanda Subject: Re: Factions ----------------------------------------------------------- Divia wrote: But my question about the list is about > Factions. What are they? I don't quite understand. I'm sending the info. -- Librarian Amanda -- the Ninja Babe with an attitude Always something new to amaze and disgust. cohen@ELYSIUM.ORG "In my office, Detective. Now!" Me, from "Revenge of the Underused Captains" ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Alma Subject: Re: Cut scenes ----------------------------------------------------------- On Sun, 41 Mar 1996 18:55:02 -0500 Janette wrote: >Is there a comprehensive list of all the scenes cut out of >the U.S. versions? Is it archived anywhere? Somebody please >point me... Me too! Me too!!! -- Alma Forever Froggie alma@raven.com ------------------------------------------------------- \0/ \0 \ / \0/ "Underwear," mumbled Dawn. ) )\ ) ) "Gold Mesh G-String." /\ / \ /0\ / \ @>--'--- alma@raven.com @>--'---- |\ _,,,--,,_ ,) /,`.-'`' -, ;-;;' __^__ |,4- ) )-,_ ) /\ __^__ ( ___ )---'---''(_/--' (_/-'-----------------------( ___ ) | / | "No, you don't. You can't take my karaoke. | \ | | / | It's mine. It's too much fun, and no |___| | \ | screaming yellow peacock can take it away!" |___| |___| she challenged. -- Jennie |___| (_____)--------------------------------------------(_____) /""\_/"\ ,,, | #==#========# | "Dogpile on the morons!!!!!" \__/"\_/ `` "Ooh. Fantasy-1, Reality-zip. Eat _Little_Mermaid, Voice of Boredom!!!" SAVE REAL LIFE!!! Go To: http://members.aol.com/FuzNatLamb/SaveRealLife.html ***BECOME A REAL LIFEIE!!!*** ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Tracy Vetter Subject: Beta readers, please! ----------------------------------------------------------- Hi, all! I need some beta readers. I actually wrote a serious story. And I want some feedback on it before I inflict it upon the masses over there. I've run it through the spell-check, but sometimes it misses things, you know. Plus I just want some general opinions, as far as the story's worth (or lack thereof), trueness to the characters, etc etc. It's based on a song. And be warned, it contains SPOILERS. If you're interested in doing this, then please privately e-mail me at the address below, NOT the one I sent this note from. Thank you much! Tracy Vetter Button@aol.com my address for RLFIC-L ************************************************************** [continued...] Dianne Dianne la Mercenaire... -*- -*-"We must be powerful, beautiful, and without regret."-*- "Vice Versa II: Horrible Mutant Daughter of Vice Versa" (10/11) by Dianne la Mercenaire ************************************************************ ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Felix Twist Subject: Same cellar, etc. ----------------------------------------------------------- The cellar in which Sandra is locked can't be the same as anything in Love Boat of Doom. Doom was shot entirely on location on the _Pacific Princess_ off the coast of Ensenada. RL, of course, is shot in Toronto. Please be sure to sign your address as well as your name in your sigs. Some people (no, not me) have mailers that don't show who posted list mail. For a few mailers, even setting dualhdr won't solve this. So, unless you have your address in the sig, no one can reply to you offlist, and personal replies on list are a no-no. :) Why is the other show getting all the press? Because of Aaron Spelling, I imagine, and his track record for sleazy hits. As for me, one promo on Fox during X-Files was enough to convince me that I don't want to see the other show. H'mm, for those of us with write-in columns, or who would like to write to TV Guide, how about letters asking what all the fuss is about, and mentioning that RL did it first and better? No, there is no way to tell the status of any subscription, unless you are a listowner. Even then, it's a tedious process to check for a whole list. Librarian Felix -- "It, ah...needs to be fed." Felix Twist greenthumb@aol.com ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show - Spoiler Topic List Poster: Tracy Vetter Subject: Upcoming Eps ----------------------------------------------------------- Oh brother. I think it's best everyone go back to not speculating about these eps until they happen. We're all gonna be nuts around here. I know there was plenty of spoiler space saying "Don't read this...etc.." but that's like putting a box of cookies on the table and telling kids don't eat them. We only have a few more weeks to go and then we'll all know and I'm sure enough angsting will be done at that time. We've got far too many good vibes going on around here with Weekend with Scottie - let's not depress ourselves!! Tracy ------------------------------------ tvetter@homicide.tpd.gov.ca or Button@aol.com "Look!" Valerie exclaimed. "WHUMP! It says WHUMP!" ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Aristotle Subject: Advertising for not our show ----------------------------------------------------------- I've been stomping around and kicking the walls . In the past 25 hours, I've seen print ads, commercials on TV AND to add insult to injury my favorite radio station in Orlando airs an ad on GettaLife - 55 seconds worth! Those of you who will watch the Other Show - let me know what you think. I'm too disgusted to watch at this point... but I understand your curiousity if you like all things librarianish. On the plus side - sent out over 45 of those no postage required envelopes with RL flyers , plus I have 6 of my RL tapes circulating among friends - 4 more friends "catalogued" - now if I could only teach them to program their VCR's or stay up until 1:00am or... Aristotle P.S. This is my new permanent e-mail address. ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Nick Knight Subject: 4th War episode list ----------------------------------------------------------- Can someone please post (or tell me where to find) a complete episode list for War 4? I believe it was posted or discussed recently but I deleted it by mistake. Thanks in advance! Nick Knight NickK@aol.com "I couldn't help it. I can resist anything except tempation." -- Oscar Wilde ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Natalie Lambert Subject: Various ----------------------------------------------------------- When I'm talking about RLLIFE-L I say "the RL list" because I can't say "rel-eyfe-el" without stopping and thinking about it for several minutes. :-) In answer to the survey, no, I don't believe there are actual beings who live by cataloging the ribena out of other beings. I do believe there are beings who catalog the life out of other beings and want complete control of said beings--they're called university administrators. I'm one of the "I don't like PartlyK as a character" camp. I think we're mostly adults here, and should be able to state preferences, discuss characters/plots/plot holes/ inconsistencies/consistencies/likes/dislikes on these lists. I don't complain every time someone calls Maureen a twit, and I'm a Mad-Hatter. So why don't we all chill a bit, okay? About inconsistencies, I was lucky enough to attend the first Weekend With Scottie last spring, and asked her a question about it. She said that because the show had so many writers, much of the consistency between eps was provided by the actors, and that sometimes they were too rushed or too tired to catch all the errors. Then she grinned and said "You wouldn't believe some of the ones we *did* catch." :-) Nat (who *hasn't* received her acceptance for the WWS: The Sequel, and is getting anxious) coroner@aol.com Fuzzie-Lackey -- Dissecting Mad-Hatter! "That...will be e-mail."--The Webgoddess,*Stranger Than Reality* ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Capt. Reese Subject: OTHER things ----------------------------------------------------------- I say, watch GettaLife. If it does well, we have a leg to stand on to prove to NoBrain that bringing back RL might make them some money because librarians are obviously happening. If it doesn't do well, we can point out RL to NoBrain AND MORONS, INC. and show them that librarians, by themselves, are not necessarily what the audience wants. The audience wants Quality Television. Which is RL. Either way, we make our point. RL gets mentioned. Regards Joe Reese Boozin' Ferret (cuz' *someone* still has to!) "Imagine... if you will... that there's flight involved." ************************************************************** [continued...] Dianne Dianne la Mercenaire... -*- -*-"We must be powerful, beautiful, and without regret."-*- "Vice Versa II: Horrible Mutant Daughter of Vice Versa" (11/11) by Dianne la Mercenaire ************************************************************ ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show - Spoiler Topic List Poster: Divia Selina Subject: Help! ----------------------------------------------------------- I am really new here and I was wondering if any of you may be able to supply me with some info on the workings of this list and some definitions for the factions that seem so popular! :-) I have some general idea, but I don't want to be mistaken. Thanks a ton! ~Divia ps. This request is also true for any of you who may be on the RLLIFE-L list too. Thanks! ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Inca Subject: Just a note... ----------------------------------------------------------- Hello everybody! Do you know what it's like not to check your mail for a whole weekend? I am still wading through the ten or so digests I've gotten since Thursday. I don't know if I'll ever get caught up! Just had to let you know my frustration in finding out from my mother that she read an article in the local newspaper about "that other War show" where it mentioned RL as fading or something like that. Grrr... Back to the neverending digests... :) Inca ><><><><><><><>< "A FIGHT. A FIGHT TO THE DEATH." "Oh no," moaned Lana. "I thought we were over that." --War5 ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Scorpions Subject: Pronunciation-Survey Results ----------------------------------------------------------- As such list luminaries as Felix Twist and Janette DuCharme, not to mention the revered ListOwner himself, have said the the proper pronunciation of "RLLIFE-l" is "rel-life-el," I am pleased to announce that, of those who responded to my extremely unscientific poll, that pronunciation got more votes than any other. :-) There were thirteen different "ways we say RLLIFE-L" submitted. I'm not a linguist, but I suspect that some of the differences were really ones of stress. I've regularized the spellings. rel-life-el 10 rel-eyfe 3 rel-if 2 rel-fee-el 1 rel-eyfe-el 5 rel-life 3 rel-fee 1 rel-fil-el 1 "Ralph-el" 5 rel-if-el 3 rel-lif-el 1 rel-leye 1 "The List" 4 That's forty votes! Thank you to everyone who participated! :-) Scorpions stonetree@homicide.tpd.gov.ca Pronunciation-Survey Taker: how do you say "RLLIFE-L"? Or do you? ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show - Spoiler Topic List Poster: barmaid-Organization or City ----------------------------------------------------------- -- [ From: Alexandra * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] -- SET RLSPOILR NOMAIL ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show Poster: Bourbon Subject: hello? ----------------------------------------------------------- Hi, just sending this as a test. Im not sure if no one is talking or if my mail isnt working, or if I'm suspended from the list for some reason. Sent a subscribe to the listserv and ok'd the response, but havent gotten any RLLIFE-L mail. Onlly 1 or 2 postings in the last few days. Has this happened to anyone else? E me at bourbon@freenet.toronto.net.ca and \ hopefully I'll get it so I'll know who to contact to see if the list thingy isn't working. Sorry, I know this is off topic, but I didn't know who else to write to and I NEED this list! I need it man! C'mon, just one posting, man! (hi, my name is bourbon, and I'm a RLLIFE-L junky.) ********************************************************* ------------ Information from the mail header ------------ Sender: Real Life TV show stories Poster: "Jack Barber" Subject: testing.... ----------------------------------------------------------- ignore this post, just a test... ********************************************************* ********************************************************* ********************************************************* *FINIS*! See, now you all *know* I'm truly insane....... Dianne :-) Dianne la Mercenaire... -*- -*-"We must be powerful, beautiful, and without regret."-*-