Date: Mon, 9 Sep 1996 20:03:56 -0700 From: Dianne Therese De Sha Reply-To: Friends, WebDeities, Gentle Listers, lend me your ears! We come not to bury erica [*Pause a moment to thank whatever you consider most holy --Ed.*], but to amuse her. With the kind permission of Joe and Percy, our favorite ListHampsters, I would propose a fiction challenge in her honor. I will (as per list custom from hallowed days of old, yadda yadda yadda ) offer the first story. (It may be found below.) *Contributions to be: anything silly, frivolous, light-hearted, and/or prone to make readers spit liquids on their monitor.* Please list the header as "ERICA: ". If you have something you wish to contribute that is not list-appropriate (another fandom, no fandom, jadfe, whatever) or that you simply want to go to her alone, feel free to send it to me direct. I will collect all stories and work out with her mom the best way to get them to her. There is no time limit on this challenge, but as far as I'm concerned, we can't start burying her in nonsense too soon. ;-) Consider it a way to help a fellow Lister in need. Consider it a way to break into fanfic writing, or to polish up those ever-so-slightly rusty skills. Consider it a challenge. After all, the best thing these lists do is pull together when trouble hits, no? Dianne **************************** ERICA: As Time Goes By... (1/1) by Dianne la Mercenaire <> [Overheard in the 'abandoned,' yet still techno-fortressed loft at 101 Gateway four months after the events of Last Knight... ] "This is all *your* doing, Nicholas." "No, LaCroix, it's all your fault. It always is." -+*+- "Good thing I was able to reach the remote." "That's what you think. I don't care *how* into self-flagellation you are, if we watch Barney one more time I'm going to find a way to open the blinds on us _both_." -+*+- "My knees are asleep." "Yeah, well you try holding this <bleep> *log* over your head for four months and see how your arms feel!" -+*+- "Any change in your little mortal friend?" "Her name is _Natalie_, as you well know. And no, she seems to be asleep. Still." "Well at least she stopped snoring last Tuesday. I was about to lose my mind." -+*+- "The level of dust in here is getting ridiculo...<*sneeze*>" "Bless you." "Oh *shut up*, Nicholas!" <finis> --- [brought to you by your local chapter of the "If We Didn't See It, It Didn't Happen, Did It?" Committee <g>] Now go ye forth and write!!! Dianne Dianne la Mercenaire -*- <> "Hee hee! I live to make you spit, too." -- yup, Boo again.... no, don't ask... <sigh>